Santosh Khadka
Seoul, South Korea
On March 2, The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification presented a donation of 10 million won at the Daegu Namgu Ward Office.
FFWPU District Pastor Jeong Dong won presents a donation of 10 million won to Daegu Namgu Ward Mayor Jo Jae – gu. The donation will be used to help fund Corona – 19 prevention , testing , and treatment efforts .
Lee Gi – Seong, FFWPU Korea President said, “Weknow that Daegu needs support because there are a large number of confirmed Corona cases in Daegu. In particular, I have heard that there are many suffering residents in the Nam – gu ward,” ” continuing , ” we hope that the situation in Daegu can return to normal as quickly as possible”.
Translated by: Anne Nordquist-Inoue