Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Joins Effort to Return to Normalcy to Daegu

English समाचार

Santosh Khadka

Seoul, South Korea

On March 2, The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification presented a donation of 10 million won at the Daegu Namgu Ward Office.

FFWPU District Pastor Jeong Dong won presents a donation of 10 million won to Daegu Namgu Ward Mayor Jo Jae – gu. The donation will be used to help fund Corona – 19 prevention , testing , and treatment efforts .

Lee Gi – Seong, FFWPU Korea President said, “Weknow that Daegu needs support because there are a large number of confirmed Corona cases in Daegu. In particular, I have heard that there are many suffering residents in the Nam – gu ward,” ” continuing , ” we hope that the situation in Daegu can return to normal as quickly as possible”.


Translated by: Anne Nordquist-Inoue

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