Santosh khadka
Millions of viewers from 150 countries, along with the world-class entertainment leaders, joined the live online broadcast of the 5th Rally of Hope event sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) International on Sunday, February 28, 2021.
UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon shared an inspiring message of hope in her Founder’s Address under the theme “Building Partnerships for Peace based on Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Values.” “Let us join hands in making a new resolve to advance God’s providence today,” said Dr. Moon. “If the Korean Peninsula can be reunified and become one people, and if all of the Asia Pacific can be united into a heavenly civilization and connect the entire world, we can become a force for good that will expand to all of the continents and oceans of the world, I encourage each of you to join me in marching forward victoriously.”
“The challenges being addressed by the 5th Rally of Hope go beyond national borders and address concerns which are critical for human well-being,” said His Excellency Mohammad Hamid Ansari, former vice president of India.
“There will be no peace for people that do not take ownership of their own destiny and that do not work together to achieve it,” said His Excellency Xanana Gusmão, former president of East Timor. “I can say with certainty that fair peace means much more than the absence of conflict. It is paramount to also free people from hunger, disease and poverty,” he said, adding that peace and development go hand in hand.
Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence advised to work in good faith to turn adversaries into friends. “During my four years as vice president, at home and abroad, I have seen firsthand that truly great nations embrace freedom, the principles of religious liberty, freedom of speech, democracy, and free enterprise,” said Mr. Pence. “It is the vision that my father Ed Pence, a young Army lieutenant in the Korean War, fought to defend, and it is the vision that generations of Americans and freedom-loving Koreans have defended and pursued for all the Korean people. Building on that legacy as vice president was one of the highest honors of my life.”
The United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Executive Director David Beasley, Cape Verde President Jorge Carlos Fonseca, Oxford Vaccine co-developer Dr. Sarah Gilbert, former president of South Africa F.W. de Klerk, Guyana Prime Minister Mark Phillips and Bishop Noel Jones, outlined the necessities for global peace and the importance of never losing hope building strong partnerships among the nations .
The Rally of Hope series, launched in August 2020, is dedicated to building a unified world of peace, informed UPF Chairman Dr. Thomas G. Walsh.